
The Canadian Society of Church History is a national society with members from across Canada as well as the United States. It participates and holds its meetings in conjunction with the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities, and is a member of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The annual membership fee is $40.00 for individuals, $20.00 for students, and $35.00 for retirees. This includes membership in the Canadian Federation for the Humanities, and a copy of the annual Historical Papers. All members will in addition receive general notices of the Society, including the call for papers.

Pay by Interac etransfer

CSCH does accept payment by Interac or electronic transfer, please email CSCH Treasurer Brian Gobbett ( for instructions. In order to take advantage of this option you must bank at a Canadian financial institution and have your account set up for online banking.

Pay by cheque

Please enclose a cheque for the appropriate amount, payable to ‘Canadian Society of Church History’, along with your name, address, and e-mail, and send to:

Canadian Society of Church History

Please make your cheque payable to the Canadian Society of Church History and return to:

Canadian Society of Church History
Brian Gobbett
2590 Golf Course Drive
Blind Bay, BC V0E 1H2

La Société canadienne d’histoire de l’église est une société nationale incluant des personnes de partout au Canada et même de létranger. La société est affiliés à la  Fédération canadienne des sciences humaines.

La cotisation annuelle est de $40.00 pour les individus, de $20.00 pour les étudiants, et de $35.00 pour les membres retraités. Les membres de la société sont membres de la CSSH, et recevront une copie des Historical Papers. Chaque membre recevra les annonces générales de la société, aussie bien qu’une demande de communications.

S.V.P. adressez les chèques à “Société canadienne d’histoire de l’église, avec votre nom, adresse, et courriel.

Canadian Society of Church History
Brian Gobbett
2590 Golf Course Drive
Blind Bay, BC V0E 1H2