2008 Historical Papers (eds. Brian Gobbett, Bruce L. Guenther, Robynne Rogers Healey)

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Two articles that were accidently shortened during the editing process of Historical Papers 2007 are being republished here in their entirety. We sincerely apologize to the authors for any inconvenience.

Please Note
The following papers were presented to the Canadian Society of Church History in 2008, but were not made available for publication: Julia Rady-Shaw, “Church Front: The Case of Bloor Street United Church’s War Effort, 1939-1945”; Gordon Heath, “When Friends and Neighbors Become Enemies: Canadian Baptists and the War of 1812”; Wolfgang Breul, “Martin Luther’s Development as a Reformer in Light of His own Statement from 1518: New Light on an Old Question”; Douglas H. Shantz, “Pietist Autobiography and the Rise of Secular Individualism”; Sarah Bruer, “Unselfish Devotion: Deaconess Zaidee Stoddard and the Social Gospel”; Kristin Burnett, “Acknowledging the ‘Unacknowledged Quarantine’: Religion, Faith, and Nursing at the Blood Hospital, 1893-1930s”; Renee Lafferty, “The ‘Spirits’ of Religion: Evangelicals and Medical Care for Toronto’s Dipsomaniacs, 1860-1890”; James Robertson, “‘T.T. Shields and the Des Moines Affair’: The Attempted Establishment and Subsequent Collapse of a Fundamentalist University in Des Moines, 1927-1929”; Ian Hesketh, “The Victorian Bible: Ecce Homo and the Manufacturing of a Literary Sensation”; Todd Webb, “‘Popery is Evidently Nodding to its Fall’: Methodism and Anti-Catholicism in British North America, 1837-1860.” Papers from a joint session with the Canadian Historical Association not made available for publication include: Marguerite Van Die, “Practising Medicine and Spiritualism in the 1860s: The Encounters Between Drs. Moses Colby and Susan Kilborn as Problem and Possibility in the Writing of Religious History”; Pamela E. Klassen, “The Holistic Trinity: Body, Mind, and Spirit among Twentieth-Century Protestants”; and Ruth Compton Brouwer, “When Missions Became Development: The Churches and CUSO in the 1960s – Linkages and Tensions.”

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