Financial Assistance for Graduate Student Presenters

The Canadian Society of Church History sets aside a sum of money each year to help assist Graduate Student presenters to attend the Congress and to present papers to the Society. At present, that sum is one thousand dollars ($1000.00).


To be deemed eligible, a student graduate must supply the Treasurer, at the time of applying for financial assistance, with a letter from either their Department Head or their Dissertation Supervisor indicating that the student has “active status” in a graduate degree programme. After consultation with the Program Chair, the Treasurer of the Society has sole authority to determine whether the submitted documentation offers sufficient proof of an individual’s applicant’s eligibility. This decision may not be appealed.

Criteria for Dispersing Funds

These funds will be divided among eligible applicants as outlined below.

Graduate Student Presenters may claim only the following expenses:
• Congress and Society registration fees
• Transportation
• Accommodation

Funds will be disbursed among eligible applicants according to the following guidelines:
• An application for financial assistance must be received by the Treasurer of the Society no later than two weeks after the conclusion of the CSCH sessions.
• Receipts for transportation expenses and accommodation must accompany the application. With the exception of travel by a personal motor vehicle for a return trip between an applicant’s home and the Congress site, or a return trip between an applicant’s home and the station/airport for the public transport taken to the Congress site, no reimbursement will be considered for any expense for which a receipt is not submitted.
• Travel expenses must be claimed according to the most economical mode of transport. Air travel is reimbursed according to the most economical rate offered by the airline upon which one has flown. Ground transportation in a personal motor vehicle is pegged to the VIA Rail fare rates between major population centres, with other ground travel in a personal motor vehicle reimbursed at a rate of $0.25/km.
• No reimbursement will be made for daily commuting to and from the Congress site.
• Regardless of the number or size of claims, the maximum travel grant that will be given to any one individual is 35% of the total available travel grant in that year.
• The amount an applicant will be reimbursed will be determined by adding up all eligible amounts submitted and allocating the travel funds available in an equitable way (e.g., if the available funds equal 80% of the total amount claimed by all eligible applicants, each applicant would receive 80% of their eligible claim, up to the maximum sum the Society will reimburse any one individual).

Submitting an Application for Funds

Applications should be submitted to the Treasurer, John H. Young, either via e-mail,, or by regular mail at the following address:
1309 Moira Road, R.R. # 2,
Roslin, ON, K0K 2Y0

Reimbursements will be mailed on or about the beginning of July.

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