2022-2023 Executive
President: Todd Webb*
Past-President: Brian Froese*
Vice President / Program Chair: TBD
Administrative Secretary: Todd Webb*
Treasurer: Brian Gobbett*
Local Arrangements: TBD
Members at Large: Alan Hayes*, MJ Perry, Evan Habkirk*, J. Keith Hyde*
CSCH Historical Papers Editor: Bruce Guenther, Scott McLaren*, Todd Webb
Webmasters: Melissa Davidson* and Sydney Harker*
* indicates a member of the board of directors
Past-President: Marguerite Van Die
President: Ruth Compton Brouwer
Vice President (Program): Darren Schmidt
Secretary/Membership: Robynne Rogers Healey (1st year of a 2-year term)
Treasurer: John Young (2nd year of a 2-year term)
Equity Access: Marilyn Whiteley
James Robertson
Todd Webb
Donna Kerfoot
Bruce Douville
Sandra Beardsall
Webmaster: James Opp
CFHSS Representative: Todd Webb
CCSR Representative: Donna Kerfoot
Historical Papers editors: Brian Gobbett, Bruce Guenther, Robynne Rogers Healey
Local Arrangements: Philip Griffin-Allwood