Call For Papers
Canadian Catholic Historical Association
Annual Meeting, University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, June 3-4, 2015
The 82nd annual meeting of the Canadian Catholic Historical Association will be held at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, on 3-4 June 2015 in conjunction with the Annual Congress of the Canadian Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences (30 May-5 June 2015).
The main Congress theme this year is “Capital Ideas.”
The CCHA invites proposals for scholarly papers, especially those dealing with the Congress theme as it relates to Canadian Catholic history, but papers dealing with any aspect of the history of the Catholic Church or Catholicism in Canada are also welcome. Papers presented at the conference will be eligible for consideration for publication in the CCHA’s annual peer-reviewed journal, Historical Studies.
Proposals for either individual papers or entire sessions or round tables of two or three related papers are welcome. For individual papers, please submit a maximum 250-word proposal and a one-page curriculum vitae. For panels or roundtable sessions, please send a maximum one-page proposal for the entire session and curriculum vitae for each participant. Curriculum vitae should include email and postal addresses. Note: Please provide information about audiovisual services required for the presentation.
Prospective presenters are encouraged to become members of the CCHA; student memberships are available. Additional information about past conferences, membership, publications, etc., is available at the Canadian Catholic Historical Association’s website:
Information about Congress 2015 is available at
Please send proposals by email by Tuesday, 20 January 2015 to:
Dr. Robert Dennis (CCHA President and Program Chair) ac.iepu@sinnedr
Even if you are unable to present a paper this year, we hope you will plan to attend the CCHA conference at University of Ottawa.