Founded in 1960, the Canadian Society of Church History is a non-denominational association dedicated to promoting and encouraging research in the history of Christianity, particularly the history of Christianity in Canada. Over the years, the Society’s annual meetings have provided a forum for Canada’s leading historians of Christianity. In addition, the Society has encouraged younger historians, especially graduate students, to present papers that contribute to the historical understanding of Christianity.
Fondée en 1960, la Société canadienne d’histoire de l’église est une association non-confessionelle pour la promotion de la recherche en histoire du christianisme, et en particulier du christianisme au Canada. Au fil des ans, les congrès annuels rassemblent les principaux historiens du christianisme et encouragent les jeune historiens, particulièrement les étudiants des 2e et 3e cycles, à y prendre part et à y prendre part et à diffuser leurs recherches.
News and updates
2022 Annual Meeting
The 2022 annual meeting took place online 17-18 May. A reminder that presenters must be members of CSCH.
Anyone who wishes to attend the conference must register through Congress 2022. See you there!
2021 Annual Meeting
The 2021 annual meeting was held virtually from June 1-3. Thank you to all who helped make the event a success.
Dr. Angela Dillard’s Keynote Address | June 2 3:30 PM EST
“Preaching Reparations: Afro-Christianity and the Legacies of the Black Manifesto” is an free and open event feature Dr. Angela D. Dillard, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies at the University of Michigan. Please register for Congress to attend this session.
Read more about the keynote address
2020 Virtual Annual Meeting Agenda
See the full program for the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting. You can still register to join us.
2019 Annual Meeting Program
Look back on the full and stimulating program for our 2019 Annual Meeting at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Canadian Baptist Historical Society CFP
Friends of CSCH at the Canadian Bapitist Historical Society have published their Call for Papers for their Annual Meeting in April 2020 in Toronto.